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Skinned softbody jitters when still
(27-01-2022, 08:29 PM)anduogames Wrote: Heya!

We're currently facing an issue, where a softbody jitters a lot while being attached to a bone that is not moving.

I followed this tutorial to set everything up:

Here's a video (slightly nsfw warning)

I've tried to add smoothing to the solver, but it does not seem to change anything at all. Turning on interpolation makes everything into a jumbled mess. This also happens when I turn interpolation on outside of playmode. Is there any obvious mistake I might be doing?

Unity version: 2021.2.8f1
Obi Softbody Version: 6.3

Hi there!

Is there any collider nearby that the softbody might be colliding against? Looks a lot like what happens when you attach an actor inside a collider: the attachment wants particles to be inside the collider, and the collider wants them to be outside. Since this situation is impossible to solve, the result is a lot of jittering. The solution to this is to use collision filtering to stop the offending particles from colliding with that specific particle.

Let me know how it goes,

Messages In This Thread
RE: Skinned softbody jitters when still - by josemendez - 27-01-2022, 09:00 PM