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Jumping back into Obi 6.3
I've long wanted to actually use Obi for my games, however I've never been able to get it functioning properly. I gave up on using it years ago, but decided to give it another shot with a small gamejam project I recently did.

Suffice to say, my experiments so far haven't been good.

After going over the youtube tutorials, they were all outdated and following them resulted in Obi Softbody not working in my project.

I went through the documentation and learned a few things. Tried following the online documentation:
- Obi Solver and Obi Updater as a parent of the soft body.
- Obi Solver added to the Updater's Solver list.
- Obi Softbody applied to the mesh. Blueprint and Collision materials added.
- Initially tried using an Obi Softbody Skinner, but when that didn't work I decided to simplify the softbody into it's own mesh without any bones, just using a sphere as a test object instead.
- Blueprint made for the mesh using the built in blueprint generator. Blueprint appears to be working correctly, even though the particle display seems to have a bugged material.

The Obi Solver can't use Oni in the URP, so I switched it to Burst, which threw an error saying it needed "Mathematics, Collections, Jobs, and Burst packages". I thought those were all included in Unity, but just to be sure I went through and installed those packages via the package manager where able (Burst) and then when that didn't work I manually installed the remaining packages via github.

All told I've spent 4 days going through documentation, trying and retrying, experimenting with different settings, different updaters, and so far the best I've managed to do is cause the mesh to occasionally disappear into the void. Obi has never thrown any errors on any of my attempts.

I'm out of ideas for what else to do to try and figure out what I'm not doing right. I've tried looking at the sample scenes, but none of them are functional, they just throw critical errors on play and then freeze. Are there better resources online for how to get Obi up and running?

Messages In This Thread
Jumping back into Obi 6.3 - by DeliciousOrange - 18-01-2022, 09:11 PM
RE: Jumping back into Obi 6.3 - by josemendez - 18-01-2022, 09:41 PM