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Help  Can fluids collide with other OBI assets?
(12-01-2022, 05:27 PM)tecnnt Wrote: Can fluids collide with other OBI assets?
What I most want to know is the application of fluid and cloth, does it require additional coding to achieve it?
How to achieve this? I tried 2 hours of trying according to the docs and found that no matter what, the fluid goes through the cloth
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Yes, all Obi actors can collide with each other, no coding required. In particular, fluid and cloth. Just make sure that:

- Collision filtering is set appropiately.
- Mass of fluid particles and cloth particles is comparable (don’t pour extremely dense fluid on very light cloth)

Also make sure there’s no obvious gaps in the particle representation of the cloth. If particles need to be very small in your case, you can try using surface collisions.

Note you can visually inspect particles at runtime by adding a ObiParticleRenderer component to your cloth.

Let me know if I can be of further help.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Can fluids collide with other OBI assets? - by josemendez - 12-01-2022, 06:39 PM