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How to define particle orientation?

I am trying to implement ObiRope to reach such effect.
The rope is attached to Object A (draggable) from the top and to Object B (just a rigidbody object) from the bottom. At some point I need to spawn the elements on the rope and attach them but it's not enough just to know the position of particle (the point on the rope blueprint) but also need to know it's orientation/normal to spawn these objects in a correct rotation. 
I found some topics here that OBiRope particles doesn't have rotation. Is there any workaround how can I implement this? If it's not possible, maybe there is a way to attach these spawned elements while the rope is in the static state (in this case I may define required rotation referring to Object A rotation)?

Messages In This Thread
How to define particle orientation? - by Romahaaa - 10-01-2022, 09:50 AM