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Help  Stop rope stretching into infinity
I am new to ObiRope so please bear with me.
I am simulating a crane in Unity. I have an ObiRope attached to itself at one end and to a game object at the other end. The Game Object contains meshes for the crane's "fall" (hook and pulley system), a unity rigidbody, and a unity box collider. it also contains a child cube that I am using as the actual attachment point. The child cube has unity and obi rigidbody and collider components and a fixed joint to bind it to the parent.

Whenever I run the build, the obi rope stretches infinitely. It doesn't support the "weight" of the attached Game Object. 
I tried comparing my crane to the sample crane scene but I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong.

I have replaced my fall with a simple cube (duplicated from the crane sample) but it does the exact same thing. The rope stretches forever and the cube falls right into the center of the earth.

Do I need to have multiple Obi Particle Attachments beyond those I have at the start and end of my rope?

Messages In This Thread
Stop rope stretching into infinity - by rsauchuck - 29-12-2021, 11:41 PM