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Help  Chain/Rope stretches too much when I make its Android Build

I hope everyone is doing well. 

I am creating a puzzle game (almost completed) but right now facing a problem with Obi ropes. I am using a chain blueprint (with some changes in length) that is available by default when Obi rope is imported into the project. One end of the chain is attached to my player (moveable) and another to a non-moveable game object (cube). Everything works as planned when I am testing the game in editor mode. There is no stretching of the chain and it collides with the game objects it needs to collide with but the issue starts when I build the project for android and test it on my phone, the chain starts stretching and collides with no other object. 

I have multiple scenes (10 to be exact) where I am using 2 types of chain blueprint which I am using alternatively in scenes. That is because, one chain length is a bit shorter than the other, just to add some variance in the game.

I am using Obi version 6.2. 

I tried to fix the issue on my own but so far I have failed to do so. If the problem is unclear kindly let me know I will try to explain it further or provide a video or pictures of the problem.  


Messages In This Thread
Chain/Rope stretches too much when I make its Android Build - by rehmatcan - 11-12-2021, 01:29 PM