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Is it possible to cause depression in surface of a softbody by pressing down on it?
(26-11-2021, 11:09 PM)josemendez Wrote: Hi!

Yes, it's perfectly possible to do this. The detail you get is a direct consequence of how finely detailed your mesh is, and the resolution of your particle sampling in the blueprint. The default blueprint resolution is low-ish though, you'd need to crank up the resolution.

If you're using a regular, default cube mesh -Unity's default cube for instance- you won't be able to get anything remotely similar to what you're after no matter what you try: each cube face is only made of 2 triangles. It's of course impossible to bend or deform such coarse geometry in any meaningful way, so you need to use a more finely subdivided mesh.

I made a cube mesh in blender that has a total of 32 triangles in it's top surface, and then I created a softbody surface blueprint with a surface sampling resolution of 64 using it.

The cube that results definitely has some softbody characteristic - namely, it bounces when it hits the ground. However when I "poke" it with an Obi collider, the collider just passes through it. I am trying to make it cause a concave depression in the surface of the cube.

FWIW, this is the "stick" I use to "poke" the softbody by dragging it in the Scene window while in play mode:

I tried playing with some the settings in blueprint editor, adjusting the sliders in the Obi Softbody component, and adding volume sampling. However I'm still not achieving the desired effect. And the scenes runs at about 0.2 FPS. Any ideas what I should be doing differently?

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RE: Is it possible to cause depression in surface of a softbody by pressing down on it? - by benro - 08-12-2021, 09:01 PM