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Help  Problems integrating Obi Cloth with UMA 2, no particle contacts

thanks for the quick reply!

Basically, I made an ObiSetupManager component that listens for character updates (Add or Remove Clothes). 
1. When I click on a UI item Uma automatically adds a cloth to an avatar on a separated skinned mesh renderer, when the cloth is generated OnCharacterUpdated gets called.
2. I then loop through all the skinnedmeshrenderers and if it's a cloth item I add an ObiSetupComponent that will add the Skinned Cloth and Skinned Cloth Renderer.
3. I assign the BlueprintProvider which is a scriptable object containing all the references to blueprints
4. When the name of the current skin renderer gets updated with a new cloth item I just get the new blueprint and assign it...

Here's the video:

This is how I assign a blueprint

I really have no clue!! I'm desperately searching for a solution ahah
Thanks again!!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Problems integrating Obi Cloth with UMA 2, no particle contacts - by chris_stamati - 10-11-2021, 12:07 PM