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Not working at all
(30-09-2021, 07:24 AM)lacasrac Wrote: Everything is pink. 

This is the common way Unity has of telling you the shaders used by these materials cannot be compiled because they are not compatible with your render pipeline. The included sample materials use shaders for the built-in pipeline, simply switch to URP shaders.

Easy fix: select whatever objects are pink in the scene, and in its material shader dropdown, select Universal Render Pipeline->Lit (or a similar URP shader):

[Image: h807KIy.png]

Note you should do this whenever you import *any asset* that includes materials for other render pipelines, it's not an Obi thing. An alternative is asking Unity to automatically upgrade non-URP shaders to URP for you. The internet is full of posts/forum threads asking the same question:

Quote:The ropes falling down to the ground on the samples. It looks like the BurstColliderWorld cannot be loaded

Make sure the asset has been installed correctly, and no errors appear in the console. If there are, let me know and I'll help you trough them. Just tested installing on 2019.4.0f1 directly from the store and all test scenes work fine out of the box.

kind regards,

Messages In This Thread
Not working at all - by lacasrac - 30-09-2021, 07:24 AM
RE: Not working at all - by josemendez - 30-09-2021, 08:04 AM