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Help  Generate a weight sustaining cable through code

We are trying to build a bridge building game, similar to polybridge, in which the players bridge will be suspended through the use of ObiRopes. See an example below:

Players select two node points (yellow nodes in the video), and a rope is instantiated between these two points. As you can see, the rope is reacting well (vibration and stiffness) to the bridge road tiles breaking. But the rope doesn't really pull the road tiles upward. 

For reference: Mass of Road unit = 10, Yellow nodes mass = 20, Truck mass = 300. The particle attachment is set to dynamic, with a compliance of 0 and break threshold of infinity. Each rope has 2 control points. Each control point mass is set to 10f at the moment. 

How do we go about making a more realistic suspension effect?

Messages In This Thread
Generate a weight sustaining cable through code - by Favestudent1900 - 14-07-2021, 02:11 AM