14-06-2021, 03:50 PM
(14-06-2021, 07:32 AM)josemendez Wrote: Hi there
How (and when) are you applying the force?
Larger resolution = More time spent per frame. Many quantities are time-dependent since they're applied over the length of the current frame, so resolution (among many other things) can affect them. This is the reason why in Unity you need to multiply by Time.deltaTime to get an object to move at the same speed regardless of how much time it takes to render each frame, for instance to move at 10 m/s:
Code:transform.position += Vector3.forward * 10 * Time.deltaTime;
For a jump, you should be using impulses instead of forces. Forces are applied over time, impulses are instantaneous.
This all applies to Unity's rigidbodies as well (and any other game engine).
As simple as that, that was a simple question, thank you, now i just need to figure out why my solver detect collision with collider even if it is a few meter away