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Intermediate or edge/face particle creation?

Chiming in to give some details about how this works and where it is going.

Quote: The mesh used to create the blueprint and the mesh that actually deforms in the scene do not need to be the same! Sonrisa
Interesting, that gives you full control over the particle distribution. 

Indeed! that's the whole point behind decoupling simulation and rendering, and why ObiSoftbodySkinner and ObiSoftbody are separate components. You can use mesh A to generate the softbody blueprint, then skin mesh B to it. You can even skin multiple meshes to the same softbody, by using multiple ObiSoftbodySkinners.

Quote:It seems to match up the particles to only nearby vertices so the intermediate particles may not be actually used for positioning, but they would impact the simulation.

When generating a blueprint, at most one particle per vertex in the input mesh is created, as long as it does not overlap too much with another already existing particle.

At runtime, there's no need for particles and vertices to have a 1 to 1 relationship. Mesh rendering is performed using linear blend skinning, so each particle acts as a bone would in a traditional skeletally animated character. Particles can be placed literally anywhere.

Quote: might write an alternative surface blueprint generator that does this. Maybe also experiment with new methods for connecting particles with neighbours, as distance isn't always producing good results.

You can write your own blueprint generators if you wish Sonrisa. I'm currently writing a blueprint generator that uses an intermediate voxelized representation of the input mesh, similar to volume softbodies do and uses it for connecting particles.

- Generates a voxelization of the mesh.
- Generates one particle per voxel, particles in the surface of the mesh, or both (like volume and surface softbodies do)
- For clusters (connections) it uses geodesic distances calculated using voxels. This results in much higher quality connections in concave meshes, specially in parts of the mesh that are spatially close but don't belong to the same region (character legs, fingers, etc).

Messages In This Thread
RE: Intermediate or edge/face particle creation? - by josemendez - 29-05-2021, 08:24 AM