Obi Rods suitable for FishingRods(bending, custom 3d model)?
I'm calculating the rope stretch with:
if 0 or negative the rope not stretched, but if i use
I want to simulate the opened reel when stretch > 0
My Stretch value goes extremely high. my default stretch when i'm moving with the rod 0.1-0.2 but if i use Cursor this value goes between: 0.8-!!16!! and my rope breaks instant. I'm using it wrong? Or ObiRope has smoothCursor?
Obi Rods suitable for FishingRods(bending, custom 3d model)?
I'm calculating the rope stretch with:
stretch = rope.CalculateLength() - rope.RestLength;
cursor.ChangeLength(rope.RestLength + hookExtendRetractSpeed * 15 * Time.deltaTime);
I want to simulate the opened reel when stretch > 0
My Stretch value goes extremely high. my default stretch when i'm moving with the rod 0.1-0.2 but if i use Cursor this value goes between: 0.8-!!16!! and my rope breaks instant. I'm using it wrong? Or ObiRope has smoothCursor?