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Rope Collision Detection - kripa1415 - 10-06-2024

 I have 3 ropes tanged. I am untangling first rope and avoided collision from the other 2 ropes. How do I detect this ?
 I have the on collision subscribed on the solver and getting the contacts. But I want to filter rope wise

RopeGenerator.solver.OnParticleCollision += Solver_OnParticleCollision;

private void Solver_OnParticleCollision(ObiSolver solver, ObiSolver.ObiCollisionEventArgs contacts)
    if (contacts.contacts.Count <= 0)

RE: Rope Collision Detection - josemendez - 10-06-2024


You can just check which rope the particles involved in each contact belong to. See "Retrieving the actor involved in a contact":

RE: Rope Collision Detection - kripa1415 - 10-06-2024

 yes its partially working now. As I said I have 3 ropes and all 3 of them are in contact. But the below code only giving two rope collision. I 've set ids for each rope. 1, 2 and 3 in ropeOrder variable. I am getting only 2 and 3 in logs. top rope collisioin is missing. Am I missing something ? Do I have to consider c.bodyB somewhere ?

foreach (var c in contacts.contacts)
    int particleIndex = solver.simplices[c.bodyA];
    ObiSolver.ParticleInActor pa = solver.particleToActor[particleIndex];
    TangledRope tr =<TangledRope>();
    tr.collided = true;
    tr.lastCollidedTime = Time.time;
    Debug.Log("pa: " + pa + ", actor: " + tr.ropeOrder);


RE: Rope Collision Detection - josemendez - 10-06-2024

Contacts always take place between two things. Your code only checks one of the 2 particles involved in each contact,  so this will miss information. You need to do the same thing for c.bodyB.