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Obi cloth mesh lagging behind a model - Printable Version

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RE: Obi cloth mesh lagging behind a model - josemendez - 17-07-2019

(17-07-2019, 10:49 AM)cubrman Wrote: I've sent you a message with my project, please let me know if you've received it.

Yep. Taking a look at it right now.

RE: Obi cloth mesh lagging behind a model - cubrman - 23-07-2019

Sorry to nag you, but I just wanted to ask if you maybe need any help? My code can be quite confusing...

RE: Obi cloth mesh lagging behind a model - cubrman - 27-07-2019

Can you give any update on the problem? Cuz I kinda feel it has been abandoned.

RE: Obi cloth mesh lagging behind a model - josemendez - 29-07-2019

(27-07-2019, 07:19 AM)cubrman Wrote: Can you give any update on the problem? Cuz I kinda feel it has been abandoned.

Hi there,

Sorry, I finally had time to take a look at your project. My inbox is usually flooded with messages from people wanting me to take a look at their own stuff so it can take quite a while. Specially since many of them do not consist of just a quick glance to a small project, but require me fixing a rather involved setup.

I couldn't even get your sample scene to run. Opening with Unity 2018.4.3f1 (same the project was created in), there's tons of missing references. When trying to run the scene (after enabling one camera), the character just disappears.

I reinstalled Unity, redownloaded the project, reopened it a second time today, same result.

[Image: QfROV2x.png]

RE: Obi cloth mesh lagging behind a model - cubrman - 01-08-2019

You need to press "H" after you start the game. Ignore warnings - everything works.

RE: Obi cloth mesh lagging behind a model - cubrman - 09-08-2019

Listen, I am patiently waiting in line, and I know that you are busy, but I think I have waited long enough, I've e-mailed you my problems 3 weeks ago and it had clear instructions in the mail, please give my project another look - just launch it and press H - everything works. The character is controlled with WSAD.

I cannot use your plugin until you help me and on my own I cannot fix this issue nomatter what I do.

RE: Obi cloth mesh lagging behind a model - josemendez - 09-08-2019

(09-08-2019, 10:07 AM)cubrman Wrote: Listen, I am patiently waiting in line, and I know that you are busy, but I think I have waited long enough, I've e-mailed you my problems 3 weeks ago and it had clear instructions in the mail, please give my project another look - just launch it and press H - everything works. The character is controlled with WSAD.

I cannot use your plugin until you help me and on my own I cannot fix this issue nomatter what I do.

Hi there,

Not sure how I was supposed to figure out that pressing H gets it to run, as your original email contained no instructions on how to do so:

Quote:Dear Josemendez,

four days ago I've sent you an e-mail, folliwing the thread on your forum:

Since then I have not heard from you and I worry that my message might not have arrived. I am sending you my project again, where the clothes are lagging behind the character:

<project link>

Please let me know of your progress, because I am completely unable to use your plugin for now.

I just took a look at your project (which is quite contrived, btw). Turns out you had "simulate in local space" disabled in your solver. Since you move your character in Update() (ScriptManager.cs triggers OnUpdate for all your ZhiBehaviours, which in turn call Mover's Move(), which in turn moves the CharacterController), and simulation takes place in FixedUpdate which is called before Update(),  there's a 1-frame delay to begin with. This is made worse by the fact that the simulation is taking place in world space, so only fixed particles move with the character (1 frame after it has moved), then all other particles have to play catch-up with them.

Character cloth is strongly recommended to be simulated in local space all throughout the docs:

Enabling local space gets rid of any floating point precision issues derived from moving your character far from the scene's origin, gives you fine control over inertial forces, and also gets rid of most glitches derived from script update order, since simulation takes place in the character's root reference frame directly. That's why it is a must for characters (though it is useful in many other situations).

PD: sent you a video to your gmail account showing the fix.

kind regards,

RE: Obi cloth mesh lagging behind a model - cubrman - 10-08-2019

Thanks a lot for your time, seems like my original e-mail with all the instructions was lost somewhere - will be sure to copy all of it's contents into my furhter messages in the future, anyway I am glad we managed to understand each other.

Btw, just checked - your message did not arrive to me either (spam folder does not have it either). There clearly is some technical problem between our mailing services. Will go test local space simulation now.

Tested local space - everything works, thanks!