Obi Rope Component Parameters

Pooled particles

Amount of extra particles created for the rope, to be used in tearing and lengthening operations. When a section of the rope is torn, one particle from this pool will be used. Similarly, when using a ObiRopeCursor to increase the length of the rope, particles from this pool will be used. You can set this value to zero if your rope cannot be torn or elongated, as no extra particles besides the initial ones will be needed.

Rope path

Spline used to create the initial shape of the rope.


Radius of the particles used to generate the rope.


Determines the amount of particles used to generate the rope. A value of 1 will create particles with a spacing equal to the "thickness" value, allowing them to overlap and create a tight representation of the rope. A value of 0.5 will leave twice the thickness value between particles, so that they just touch each other. Lower values will leave bigger gaps between particles.

Note that low resolution ropes are faster to simulate, and also require less constraint iterations to appear stiff. However, they are more prone to miss collisions.

Resolution: 1
Resolution: 0.5
Resolution: 0.1

In the lower resolution rope, bend and distance constraints can be seen as faint purple and green lines.


Smoothing iterations applied to the rope mesh. Lower values will yield a coarser mesh, where a minimum of 1 edge loop is created per particle. Higher values will insert extra loops between particles. Combining a low "resolution" value with a high "smoothing" value allows you to generate visually pleasing ropes that are made of few particles.

low smoothness
high smoothness

Both have the same resolution, i.e. amount of particles.


Enable this to make your rope tearable.

Tear resistance multiplier

How much tension must be applied to the rope before it tears. This is expressed in Newtons. Note: this value is modulated by the per-particle "tear resistance" property.

Start prefab

A prefab that will be instantiated at the start of your rope. You can use this to add custom objects at the start of your rope.

End prefab

A prefab that will be instantiated at the end of your rope. You can use this to add custom objects at the end of your rope. Note that these prefabs (both start and end) are mere visual cues, and won´t add any weight to or interact in any way with the rope. They are just translated and rotated every frame to match the ends of the rope. If you wish to attach a rigidbody to any part of a rope so that two-way interaction between rope and body takes place, use pin constraints.

Section twist

Twist in degrees applied to each rope section. For instance, if you want to make a chain where each link is twisted 90º with respect to the previous one, this value should be 90.

0 degrees twist
45 degrees twist
90 degrees twist