Please check this video. when a shape with obicollider collides with the rope, rope goes inside the table ignoring collision.
Shape ObiCollider rigidbody has constraints x and z rotation locked and y position locked. Attached rigidbody, collider, solver and rope config snapshots.
Rope creation:
Please check this video. when a shape with obicollider collides with the rope, rope goes inside the table ignoring collision.
Shape ObiCollider rigidbody has constraints x and z rotation locked and y position locked. Attached rigidbody, collider, solver and rope config snapshots.
Rope creation:
private IEnumerator CreateRope(ObiSolver solver, ObiRope rope)
// Create a rope
// Setup a blueprint for the rope:
var blueprint = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<ObiRopeBlueprint>();
blueprint.resolution = 0.65f;
blueprint.thickness = 0.07f;
blueprint.pooledParticles = 5;
Vector3 point = Vector3.zero;
int filter = ObiUtils.MakeFilter(ObiUtils.CollideWithEverything, 0);
float mass = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
if (i == 0 || i == points.Length - 1)
mass = .001f;
filter = ObiUtils.MakeFilter(ObiUtils.CollideWithEverything, 2);
mass = .002f;
filter = ObiUtils.MakeFilter(ObiUtils.CollideWithEverything, 0);
if( i == 0 )
point = rope.transform.InverseTransformPoint(points[i].position);
blueprint.path.AddControlPoint(point, -Vector3.zero, Vector3.zero, Vector3.up, mass, 0.5f, 1, filter, Color.white, "A");
Vector3 point2 = rope.transform.InverseTransformPoint(points[i].position);
Vector3 direction = (point2 - points[i-1].position) * 0.25f;
blueprint.path.AddControlPoint(point2, -direction, direction, Vector3.up, mass, 0.5f, 1, filter, Color.white, points[i].name);
// convert both points to the rope's local space:
/*pointA = rope.transform.InverseTransformPoint(pointA);
pointB = rope.transform.InverseTransformPoint(pointB);
// Procedurally generate the rope path (a simple straight line):
Vector3 direction = (pointB - pointA) * 0.25f;
blueprint.path.AddControlPoint(pointA, -direction, direction, Vector3.up, 0.1f, 0.1f, 1, 1, Color.white, "A");
blueprint.path.AddControlPoint(pointB, -direction, direction, Vector3.up, 0.1f, 0.1f, 1, 1, Color.white, "B");*/
yield return StartCoroutine(blueprint.Generate());
rope.collisionMaterial = collisionMaterial;
rope.ropeBlueprint = blueprint;
// access the distance constraints currently simulated by the solver:
var solverConstraints = rope.GetConstraintsByType(Oni.ConstraintType.Distance)
as ObiConstraints<ObiDistanceConstraintsBatch>;
int batches = solverConstraints.batches.Count;
for (int k = 0; k < batches; k++)
int cnt = solverConstraints.batches[k].constraintCount;
for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
solverConstraints.batches[k].restLengths[i] = length;
var obiRopeExtrudeRenderer = rope.GetComponent<ObiRopeExtrudedRenderer>();
// load the default rope section:
obiRopeExtrudeRenderer.section = Resources.Load<ObiRopeSection>("DefaultRopeSection");
obiRopeExtrudeRenderer.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material = material;
obiRopeExtrudeRenderer.GetComponent<ObiPathSmoother>().decimation = 0.1f;
obiRopeExtrudeRenderer.GetComponent<ObiPathSmoother>().smoothing = 3;
cursor = rope.AddComponent<ObiRopeCursor>();
cursor.cursorMu = 1;
cursor.sourceMu = 1;
rope.GetComponent<TangledRope>().cursor = cursor;
obiRopeExtrudeRenderer.uvScale = new Vector2(2, 15);
obiRopeExtrudeRenderer.thicknessScale = 1.1f;
rope.distanceConstraintsEnabled = true;
rope.stretchingScale = 1f;
rope.stretchCompliance = 0f;
rope.bendCompliance = 1f;
PinRope(rope, points[0].GetComponent<ObiCollider>(), points[points.Length - 1].GetComponent<ObiCollider>(), new Vector3(0f, 0, 0), new Vector3(0f, 0, 0));
//RopeAttachment(rope, points[0].GetComponent<ObiCollider>(), points[points.Length - 1].GetComponent<ObiCollider>());