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Softbody vehicle with many meshes
Howdy! I'm aiming to do BeamNG like crash damage and come to the conclusion that the Obi Softbody for Unity is the best option for that kind of deformation. The cars come in FBX files with multiple meshes under it. Is there a way to programatically load all of them in one go or some guidance on how to create all of this at runtime? Ideally, the meshes will deform and things like doors will come off. It might be simpler to create primative objects that bind to the overall meshes. Any guidance is appreciated.
Its not very good at this kind of thing. You can use the stitcher to add doors etc but it doesnt handle it well. Unless there have been some huge updates since I last used Obi.

Softbody wheels simply do not work. 
I did this example using raycast wheels with a single mesh for the body you can take a look at.
As Tegleg said, Obi is not really designed with this in mind. Car destruction physics involves a lot more than just softbody simulation (doors coming off, glass breaking, debris, damaged tire simulation, etc) and even then, the shape deformation itself is better handled using springs/struts/beams (what BeamNG uses) instead of Obi’s volume-based softbodies because cars are generally complex shapes and you need precise manual spring placement control like BeamNG’s.
Thanks! Makes sense but that sucks. I was going to use Obi for deformation and do my own scripts for hinges and falling off parts. Another method I saw was to use rigged components and deform based on hit locations and forces. I guess I'll probably go back to that. definitely adds complexity.