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Suggestion / Idea  Request a different way to spawn particles.
First, I want to use Obi particle as a way to shoot things > collect contacts > do gameplay things like apply damage.

But when I use the Obi Emitter, I see there is really heavy limitation.
It only has a speed value, albeit having a lot of shapes to spawn from, it still cannot do things like shoot a particle(s) with a target velocity.

The speed value tied to both spawn rate and particle speed.
That is: low speed value will spawn less particles, and the spawned particles also have less speed.
Big speed value will spawn more particles, and they fly with high speed.

This is not good, this leaves a hole where we want a low particle spawn rate, but travel at high-speed.

So can you consider add a scripting API that does Spawn(int count, float velocity);
Thank you!

Edit: Anyway, I think I should forgo this idea about using particle > collect contacts > do damage thing, this is better task for shuriken since it has no limit in collision size.
Obi particle can't have big size as I just tinker with the Granular blueprint, and found out that it can only go as far as max 1.

There’s a good reason why spawn rate and speed are tied together: technically, we are not emitting particles but a volume of fluid per second, which just happens to be discretized as particles.

So if you wanted to emit more particles per second at the same speed, they would clump together -> increase local density -> cause a pressure spike -> blow up and fly away in all directions. Same for granulars: they would initially intersect each other upon spawning and just blow up when resolving collisions.

Regular particle systems where particles are completely independent of each other and nothing happens if they clump together can have separate rate and speed control parameters, but a fluid sim cannot.

Note: If you want to reduce emission rate but keep the same speed, you can just alternate between your target speed and zero, like opening and closing a faucet.

Kind regards,
Thanks for the prompt respond bro.