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Help  Chain/Rope not behaving after adding a third

I posted this image of the issue on Imgur. Both images are in play mode - all chains use the same blue print and are attached to the same empty game object, using a static particle attachment. When I have two chains, the curve is nice... when I add a third the bottom portion of the chains all flatten out, as you can see on the right side.

I'm going to have even a few more. Wondering why this happens and if I can fix it. I noticed that if I just set the third chain inactive, in playmode, the other two return to their more natural curves. Soon as I set the third chain active, they all flatten out... like the third one adds a constraint.

When I add additional ropes, to a total of 8, they get really weird. Some of the ropes become distorted and a few just vibrate like the solver can't get them to settle. Could it be something with collisions?
I found if I turn the thickness way down in the blueprint, the ropes behave better. but still seem to get a little longer and push their bottom out, if that makes sense. I don't really want the look I get when the thickness is decreased - just noticing how it made them behave a little better.

It just looks like they're colliding with each other. Add a ObiParticleRenderer component to them and check whether particles are indeed colliding, if they are, reduce rope thickness accordingly so they stop colliding.

Let me know if you need further help,

kind regards