Is there a way to know if a particle is part of a bigger chunk of fluid?
I want to do a system in which two emitters emit the same fluid with different colors each, and as they mix together, so does the color of all the fluids. Similar to the "FluidMixing" sample scene, with the difference in that scene the color change occurs on an individual particle basis; here I want it to happen to everything connected to the bigger mass of fluid, bus skip droplets that aren't part (yet) of the bigger mass.
On a somewhat related question. In that "FluidMixing" sample scene I saw the main script in charge of changing the color uses the "userData" property; according to the manual, that property holds data that was... well, placed there by the user. But I didn't saw any other place in which those values could have been modified (or added, to begin with), so I'm not sure how that works.
I want to do a system in which two emitters emit the same fluid with different colors each, and as they mix together, so does the color of all the fluids. Similar to the "FluidMixing" sample scene, with the difference in that scene the color change occurs on an individual particle basis; here I want it to happen to everything connected to the bigger mass of fluid, bus skip droplets that aren't part (yet) of the bigger mass.
On a somewhat related question. In that "FluidMixing" sample scene I saw the main script in charge of changing the color uses the "userData" property; according to the manual, that property holds data that was... well, placed there by the user. But I didn't saw any other place in which those values could have been modified (or added, to begin with), so I'm not sure how that works.