(04-06-2020, 12:16 PM)josemendez Wrote: Hi there,
When light passes trough a transparent fluid, part of it is absorbed. So if you put any background color behind a fluid, the fluid can only darken it, it cannot possibly make it brighter. This is basically the reason why you can't see the bottom of the ocean.
In Obi this is done using multiplicative color blending.
If you want a transparent fluid to "brighten" the background, then you must use additive blending. This is basic color theory. The DielectricFluid material has cloudiness controls that let you simulate suspended particles, which are added to the background color, instead of multiplied by it.
The alternative would be to use opaque fluids, of course. Depending on the exact effect you're after, you should go one way or the other.
I need an opaque paint effect
Now I use ObiFluidRenderer
with Color Material - FluidColorBlend/FluidColorOpaque (same results) all time fluid is transparent
with Fluid Material - SimpleFluid
all result transparent
with Color Material - FluidColorBlend/FluidColorOpaque (all time same results)
with Fluid Material - DielectricFluid
with cloudiness > 5 get good opaque result
But I need variant that is better for fps.
As I understand FluidColorOpaque + SimpleFluid is better.
How I can't make it real opaque?
* Fluid Material - Opaque Fluid not suits to my visual desing