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Bug / Crash  Obi cloth does not properly work for models stitched to an existing skeleton.
Ok, I've just stumbled across handles. Let's hope this can revitalize my static-mesh-with-colliders dream. I still bloody believe.

Finally, something that looks promising.

Ok colliders did not work because they were turned off. Sorry about that.

This is so fucken insane. The cloth simulation looks MUCH better when simulated as a non-skinned version. Like a billion times better. However, when I try to manually "skin" my cloth onto my skeleton (by placing handles with pinned particles as children to respective bones) the cloth stays pinned only during idle animations, once I start moving or running - it goes into a T-pose. In any case skinning this way is fucken tedious. Srsly guys WHAT THE FUCK? Why is there such a mindboglingly drastic difference in quality between ordinary cloth and skinned cloth? I spent countless hours trying to achieve this effect in the skinned cloth version and failed HARD. WHY? WHY does this have to be so hard?

Messages In This Thread
RE: Obi cloth does not properly work for models stitched to an existing skeleton. - by cubrman - 15-05-2018, 06:34 PM