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Help  Stop rope stretching into infinity
(29-12-2021, 11:41 PM)rsauchuck Wrote: I am new to ObiRope so please bear with me.
I am simulating a crane in Unity. I have an ObiRope attached to itself at one end and to a game object at the other end. The Game Object contains meshes for the crane's "fall" (hook and pulley system), a unity rigidbody, and a unity box collider. it also contains a child cube that I am using as the actual attachment point. The child cube has unity and obi rigidbody and collider components and a fixed joint to bind it to the parent.

Whenever I run the build, the obi rope stretches infinitely. It doesn't support the "weight" of the attached Game Object. 
I tried comparing my crane to the sample crane scene but I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong.

I have replaced my fall with a simple cube (duplicated from the crane sample) but it does the exact same thing. The rope stretches forever and the cube falls right into the center of the earth.

Do I need to have multiple Obi Particle Attachments beyond those I have at the start and end of my rope?


Make sure your Obi rigidbody is not “kinematic for particles”, and make sure the attachment you’re using is set to “dynamic”.

If the rigidbody is kinematic, it will act as if it had infinite mass, and if the attachment is static, particles won’t be able to apply forces to the rigidbody.

Let me know if I can be of further help,

Kind regards

Messages In This Thread
Stop rope stretching into infinity - by rsauchuck - 29-12-2021, 11:41 PM
RE: Stop rope stretching into infinity - by josemendez - 30-12-2021, 09:27 AM