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Help  Spatial Query on multiple Actors
Hi there Will! Sonrisa


This will only work if you only have one actor per solver and it is not using surface collisions. To get a particle index from a simplex index in the general case, see "Retrieving the particle involved in a contact":

In your case, assuming you don't use surface collisions the code would be:

// no surface collisions, so we assume only one particle per simplex:
int particleIndex = solver.simplices[results[i].simplexIndex];
var position = solver.positions[particleIndex];

If you do use surface collisions, the simplices used by queries and collisions will be groups of 2 particles each, so assuming there's only one particle per simplex no longer works. The general code to get all particles in a simplex (whether there's 1, 2 or 3 particles in the simplex) is:

// retrieve the offset and size of the simplex in the solver.simplices array:
int simplexStart = solver.simplexCounts.GetSimplexStartAndSize(contact.bodyA, out int simplexSize);

// starting at simplexStart, iterate over all particles in the simplex:
for (int i = 0; i < simplexSize; ++i)
    int particleIndex = solver.simplices[simplexStart + i];

    // do something with each particle, for instance get its position:
    var position = solver.positions[particleIndex];

Since the code to do this for collisions and queries is exactly the same, I will add this info to the queries manual page too as I realized it can be misleading otherwise.

Let me know if I can be of further help!

Messages In This Thread
Spatial Query on multiple Actors - by cgwill - 20-12-2021, 09:35 AM
RE: Spatial Query on multiple Actors - by josemendez - 20-12-2021, 11:23 AM
RE: Spatial Query on multiple Actors - by cgwill - 21-12-2021, 07:30 PM