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Obi fluid + Quest 2 | Rendering in editor but not when making a build
(11-05-2021, 08:37 AM)josemendez Wrote: Hi there,

Fluid rendering does not support single-pass stereo rendering (as mentioned in the FAQ and manual) so Multipass is required.

As for the pink materials, this is always a symptom that the shader used is not compatible with your current rendering pipeline. Unity will shade pink any materials that can't be rendered for whatever reason (can't compile, missing from the build, etc). What shader(s) are these materials using?

Well, actually I think I can look for the solution for the pink materials because, as you said, it is not something about Obi Fluid. But, the error that doesn't let me make the build is actually one of your asset, called ScreenSpaceCurvatureFlow.shader, so I deleted it and I am able to make the build and see the fluid, but the color is black.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Obi fluid + Quest 2 | Rendering in editor but not when making a build - by alpaib - 11-05-2021, 08:42 AM