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Help  Filling a bottle on start
Hi everybody,

I'm trying to fill a bottle with liquid at the start of the application.

This is the list of problem I encounter :
  • Filling at startup : I suppose I should use the "burst" emission method but it only spawns a little amount of particles. I tried to set the speed to a higher number but it didn't change anything. I probably missed something.
  • Leaks : after a certain height, the particles start leaking from a side of the bottle (always the same) and from the bottom.
    I tried to add another object with a collider (and obi collider) to the leaking side but if it's too far, it leaks between the bottle and the object, if it's too close to the side of the bottle, the particles leak through the object.
    I also tried to increase the thickness of the Obi collider but it still leaks.
    Changing the emitter material (From blood to foamy water) improve the situation but it stillĀ leaks after a moment.
    I also noticed that the leak "pattern" changes when the starting position changes.
I attached screenshot with my bottle configuration.
The emitter is a child of the bottle.

Am I doing something wrong ?
Can I "pre-fill" the bottle ?

Thanks for your answer.

Messages In This Thread
Filling a bottle on start - by DJacquemin - 17-09-2018, 11:02 AM
RE: Filling a bottle on start - by josemendez - 18-09-2018, 10:09 AM