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Help  Holes in the mesh corners when using proxies
Hi there,

Quote:When ObiSolver is set on LateUpdate (no Interpolation) we see one frame late?

Can you elaborate on this? is the animation one frame late, or the simulation?

Quote:When ObiSolver is set on FixedUpdate with Interpolation, fixed particles are not interpolated - this leads to all simulated particles working as charm, but fixed are jump-following parent object.

Fixed particles follow the skeletal animation. Skeletal animation does not support interpolation when working with physics (Unity's limitation), so these particles do not benefit from interpolation, as they are not simulated but animated.

Pretty much all of Obi is multithreaded. Interpolation typically takes less than 1% of frame time as it is a very simple operation. It works just like Unity's rigidbody interpolation: since physics are updated at a fixed frequency, it calculates what percentage of a physics update step it would take to get physics and rendering in perfect sync, then it uses this value to linearly interpolate between the last step's positions and the current step positions. For more info on physics, frame interpolation and extrapolation see:

Messages In This Thread
RE: Holes in the mesh corners when using proxies - by josemendez - 25-06-2018, 09:46 AM