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Help  Smooth jagged edges of ObiCloth
Hi Folks,

Sorry for the newbie question.  I'm animating a logo in Unity with ObiCloth.  It's working as I would like, but the edges of the cloth are not smooth at the end of the animation, where I am stretching it over a sphere.  It has taken me a long time get the right combination of constraints and positioning, so that at the end of the animation, the "tarp" is positioned as the client wants it over the sphere.

Is there a parameter that controls how smooth the edge of the cloth will be? Or is there something in the Solver I should change?  Every time I tweak something, it seems to affect a lot of other things and I have often started over.  I pretty much have the elasticity and springiness I would like when the tarp is actually moving, but small parameter changes seem to affect it quite a bit.  Any help is appreciated.

The attached "mars logo question.png" (with star background) shows the final step of the animation in Unity.  The position and wrapping of the tarp is correct enough, it's just not smooth enough on the edges.  The client's logo is attached for reference (what I'm trying to accomplish).

Thanks for any info

Messages In This Thread
Smooth jagged edges of ObiCloth - by PawleyBoboli - 27-04-2018, 11:13 PM