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Bug / Crash  App crash in iOS16,17 runtime if built with xcode 15
(19-06-2023, 03:52 AM)evonnaho7471 Wrote: Hello, I am using obi fluid with the latest version (6.5.2) in my unity project. As I need to build an app that will  runs on various mobile platform with the latest version, I have to use xcode 15 beta to build app for iOS 17. However, I found that the app will crash with obi burst backend. It seems that the crash is due to the unity collection package (I am using 1.4).  It does not have any compilation problem, only will crash in runtime. If I run the app with iOS17, it will stop when calling Unity Framework (see attachment photo). For iOS16, it will quit the app and won't show any breakpoint.

I don't have this problem when I used obi with xcode 14.3 in my previous project.

System:MacOS 13.4
Devices M1 chip Macbook
Unity Version: 2021.3.11 & 2021.3.21
Obi Fluid Version : 6.5.2 (latest)

I had created a public project:
Please feel free to use for reproducing the issue. I have also put the error logs in the

Thank you in advance.


Reading trough the stack trace, this seems unrelated to Obi. The crash happens in

Quote:UnityFramework 0x0000000107453c98 _ZN12UnityClassic31Baselib_SystemSemaphore_AcquireENS_30Baselib_SystemSemaphore_HandleE + 28 4 UnityFramework 0x0000000106d9b2c0 _ZN9AGCThreadC2Ev + 204 5 UnityFramework 0x0000000106d94fb8 _ZN13AGCThreadPoolC2Ev + 148 6 UnityFramework 0x0000000106d9bdc0 _ZN29AssetGarbageCollectorInstanceC2Ev + 24 7 UnityFramework 0x0000000106e13604 _ZN17RuntimeStaticBase14InitializeImplEmPFPvS0_10MemLabelIdE + 88 8 UnityFramework 0x0000000106e0fe70 _ZN35RegisterRuntimeInitializeAndCleanup22ExecuteInitializationsEv + 220 9 UnityFramework

At first sight this also seems unrelated to Burst, neither Obi or Burst appear anywhere in the stack trace. I'd guess this is a bug in Unity itself, so I'd suggest reporting a bug to Unity.

Also, does the project run correctly if you don't use any Obi components in the scene?
kind regards

Messages In This Thread
RE: App crash in iOS16,17 runtime if built with xcode 15 - by josemendez - 19-06-2023, 06:39 AM