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Jitter of softbody when moving attachment

I have an attachment (static) that targets obi rigidbody which is child of my player.
When player moves in update, softbody jitters.
If my player moves in FixedUpdate() and Cinemachine Brain is set to FixedUpdate, there is no jitter, but the problem is that I can't use this setup (it breaks other stuff).

Is there a way to move attachment's target in Update() without causing softbody to jitter?
If I move target in editor (with gizmos), it seem that softbody is not jittering. Same, if I unparent target and move it by code.

It seems that the problem is in parent-child relation, but I can't figure it out.
If I just unparent target and move it to desired point (which is child of player) by setting Transform properties, or even by moving target's rigidbody (with interpolation or not) by rigidbody.MovePosition/MoveRotation, the jitter is there.
Same if I remove obi rigidbody and rigidbody from target.

No jittering when using Obi Late Updater, but simulation differs with different framerates, so I can't use it too

Please help.

Messages In This Thread
Jitter of softbody when moving attachment - by luvjungle - 12-05-2023, 12:16 PM