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solver movement
(01-03-2023, 02:41 AM)ugurcamoglu35 Wrote: Hello

I have a liquid container. I added obi solver to this container. As the liquid container moves, the particle moves. That is, as the solvent moves, the particle moves with it. I bring the liquid container to the horizontal position and fill it into the glass. However, the liquids in the glass are taken out while turning it upright. how can i solve this problem.

We can think of it as in the example below. Think of our bowl as a faucet, but our faucet needs to move. First of all, I filled the bucket in game mode. Then when I move the faucet, the water in the bucket shifts towards the direction I moved the faucet.


Transforming the solver will "teleport" particles together with it (the particles are basically parented to the solver), but won't modify their velocity. If your container is part of the solver, this can cause tunneling, specially if the container is a MeshCollider.

You should keep the solver static in world space, then allow particles to move freely with the container collider. This allows particles to use their velocity to calculate CCD against the moving bucket. This is how it's done in the included faucet sample scene.

kind regards,

Messages In This Thread
solver movement - by ugurcamoglu35 - 01-03-2023, 02:41 AM
RE: solver movement - by josemendez - 01-03-2023, 08:15 AM