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solver movement

I have a liquid container. I added obi solver to this container. As the liquid container moves, the particle moves. That is, as the solvent moves, the particle moves with it. I bring the liquid container to the horizontal position and fill it into the glass. However, the liquids in the glass are taken out while turning it upright. how can i solve this problem.

We can think of it as in the example below. Think of our bowl as a faucet, but our faucet needs to move. First of all, I filled the bucket in game mode. Then when I move the faucet, the water in the bucket shifts towards the direction I moved the faucet.

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Messages In This Thread
solver movement - by ugurcamoglu35 - 01-03-2023, 02:41 AM
RE: solver movement - by josemendez - 01-03-2023, 08:15 AM