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Help  sticky fluid crawls out of containers
Look at this:

The fluid behaves normally when I first pour it into the container with a sticky collision material, but as soon as I pick it up it suddenly starts crawling out of the container in all directions, and as soon as I let go it stops again. This happens with any non-zero stickiness value, which sucks because I really need to fluid to stick at least enough to not fall straight out of the bowl when you hold it at an angle or upside down. I tried increasing the solver substeps up to 8 since that fixed some inconsistencies I had in other cases, but it didn't make any difference here.

The container rigidbody doesn't become kinematic when grabbed by a hand in case you suspect that's the issue. It doesn't get parented either, both the hand and the container stay exactly where they are in the hierarchy and only connect through this configurable joint:

Here are my relevant obi component settings:

Messages In This Thread
sticky fluid crawls out of containers - by locque - 11-05-2022, 07:01 PM