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Help  Multiple Chains Simulation Best Practice
Hi there,

Unity version: 2020.3.21f1
Obi Rope version: 6.3

I am trying to create a disc golf basket and I need to have individual chains react to a disc hitting them.  I am trying to do this with a minimal performance hit.  As is, I've created the chains as individual Obi ropes and then attached the Chain Renderer component.  Obviously the more chains I add, the more of a performance hit the game will take.  So I am trying to figure out the best approach for doing this.  This disc also isn't just a simple rigid body, so using the Obi Rigidbody component to make it collide with the chains is a bit more complicated.  I've also supplied a link to a video of me describing what I am trying to do on YouTube.  

Thank you for any assistance on this matter!

Messages In This Thread
Multiple Chains Simulation Best Practice - by sdu7chez - 10-02-2022, 05:12 PM