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Help  Added particles through cursor ChangeLength seem to freeze in place.
(29-12-2021, 12:18 PM)ZhadoTom Wrote: Sorry if this has been answered but I couldn't find a thread with a similar issue. 

I'm trying to dynamically increase a ropes particles as it's stretched past a certain threshold. The rope has an attachment either end and as I pull them apart, I want new particles added, but when the new particles are added they appear to just stick in place and have no physics to them.

I test this by adding length over time with a simple line of code:

cursor.ChangeLength((rope.restLength) + 1 * Time.deltaTime);

Yet I was getting the same results as shown in the video below.


Just make sure the source of the cursor is not set to a part of the rope that’s fixed. Cursors work by copying particles from a source position along the rope, and “pasting” them at the cursor location. Seems like your cursor’s source is a fixed or attached particle.

See “source mu” in the manual page:

Messages In This Thread
RE: Added particles through cursor ChangeLength seem to freeze in place. - by josemendez - 29-12-2021, 04:04 PM