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Bug / Crash  Surface Based Collision - Stutter/Jitter issue
Hi Elmundo,

Just downloaded your project. It works absolutely fine for me, just like in the reference videos. No jittering whatsoever:

I guess you're overstretching the rope, which will of course blow up the simulation as its is physically impossible for the rope to meet all constraints you're imposing at once: it cannot keep the length you're forcing it into and still collide with the objects around it. This will force the rope to alternate or jitter between two states: one that meets the distance constraints (ignoring collisions) and one that meets the collision constraints (ignoring its maximum length). Note this will happen regardless of using surface collisions or not.

If you want to be able to tighten ropes around objects/other ropes, you must allow the rope to "pull back" once it's too stretched by using forces to move the objects that the rope is attached to. This way the rope can prevent the user from further stretching it once it's already tense.

kind regards,

Messages In This Thread
RE: Surface Based Collision - Stutter/Jitter issue - by josemendez - 16-08-2021, 01:58 PM