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Help  How to change the rest length of an existing rope at runtime?
(27-05-2021, 09:05 AM)josemendez Wrote: A less taxing equivalent would be to modify the constraints loaded in the solver too, not just the ones in the blueprint. This would avoid having to reload particle data, since it does not change at all when you call your method.

I am not sure if I am modifying the constraints loaded in the solver through the code I posted. Your suggestion seems like it'd be the better way to do things, as I'd be directly modifying the data used to simulate the rope. (Note that I intend to apply this change AFTER the rope and its blueprint are fully generated and ready to simulate.)

I am modifying native data (the blueprint appears to create this data) but this code applies before the blueprint is assigned to the rope. I'm guessing then that modifying the blueprint afterwards will not change the behaviour of the rope.

I'll look into what this ObiRopeCursor class does. Also I'm guessing that "stretching scale" is what I'd need to use to modify the rope's length at runtime.

Messages In This Thread
RE: How to change the rest length of an existing rope at runtime? - by Hatchling - 27-05-2021, 05:42 PM