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Help  Dynamic Grappling hook rope length?
Enable "kinematic for particles" in your ObiRigidbody component. That will make the hook rigidbody kinematic as far as particles are concerned, causing the rope to behave as if the hook had infinite mass. Essentially, the rope will follow the hook but the hook will ignore the rope.

You can then disable it after you need your rope and hook to interact with each other.

Note you could also just give more mass to the hook, or less mass to the rope, for a similar effect that's not so binary.

Let me know how it goes Sonrisa

Messages In This Thread
Dynamic Grappling hook rope length? - by MikaleM - 14-05-2021, 04:29 AM
RE: Dynamic Grappling hook rope length? - by josemendez - 14-05-2021, 08:22 AM