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Buoyancy diffusion not working
(06-01-2021, 08:18 AM)josemendez Wrote: This is what's happening in your script:

When you emit a new particle, you store its buoyancy value in userData.
When a particle hits a collider, you set its userData to 0.
(when particles are simulated by Obi, the contents of userData are diffused)
But you never do solver.buoyancies[k] = something. So ofc, buoyancy values are never actually set to the diffused values in userData.

In the Raclette sample scene, you'll see there's a "ColorFromViscosity" component added to the emitter. In its LateUpdate() method, color is driven by viscosity, then viscosity and surface tension are set to whatever values are in userData[k][0] and userData[k][1]. That's what maps the userData values to viscosity and surface tension and that's precisely what you're missing.

To make it clear, these are the steps required:

  1. buoyancy ---> userData (every time a particle is emitted)
  2. userData undergoes diffusion (during simulation, done automatically)
  3. userData ----> buoyancy (after simulation) // you're missing this one.

Anytime after the simulation has taken place (that is, after FixedUpdate()), you need to copy back from userData to buoyancies. LateUpdate() is a good place.

I added this code to my script and it works correctly

void LateUpdate()
    for (int i = 0; i < emitter.solverIndices.Length; ++i)
        int k = emitter.solverIndices[i];
        emitter.solver.buoyancies[k] = emitter.solver.userData[k][0];

Thank you so much!

Messages In This Thread
Buoyancy diffusion not working - by Booyaka - 05-01-2021, 11:40 AM
RE: Buoyancy diffusion not working - by Booyaka - 05-01-2021, 09:37 PM
RE: Buoyancy diffusion not working - by Booyaka - 06-01-2021, 09:14 AM