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Fracturing/Breaking Shape Matching Constraints
(30-11-2020, 10:36 PM)saiacide Wrote: I'm trying to implement a simple fracturing/tearing effect by deactivating a shape matching constraint. I can deactivate the constraints via a debug key but now I'm trying to only deactivate them if the constraint is over a certain strain threshold. Is this currently possible? I was hoping the constraints lamda would contain some useful information but for the shapematching constraints it appears to always be zero. My other idea was to store the previous frames center of mass and measure the delta but was hoping there was a better way.

Hi there,

Shape Matching constraints aren't described by a single lagrange multiplier. Instead, their use a 3x3 deformation matrix that determines how far away from their "rest state" they are. Unfortunately this is currently not exposed via the API. We will expose these matrices in upcoming updates.

Note that for a fracturing/tearing effect you'd also need to update mesh topology and skinning, which is a far from trivial thing to do.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Fracturing/Breaking Shape Matching Constraints - by josemendez - 02-12-2020, 09:43 AM