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Help  Debugging the difference between editor and build behavior
(02-09-2020, 07:35 PM)josemendez Wrote: Off the top of my head: make sure your rope is not attached inside the two rigidbodies, if it's set to collide with them. This is a very common mistake that  results in largely undefined behavior: might work fine, might jitter/explode. Usually it's the latter.

The reason for this is that attaching particles inside a body they must collide with is an impossible to solve situation: should the particle follow the attachment and stay inside the collider, or should it ignore the attachment and get out of the collider? both conditions can't be met at once, so this creates a force feedback loop: forces are applied to both the rope and the rigidbody so that they stop colliding, but the attachment brings the rope back in, so even more force is applied to get the idea.

The manual describes this situation along with its solution: use phases to make sure the particles attached inside the rigidbody do not collide with it. See the last bit of:

So I have actually prepared for this I believe. My setup is like this. I have 1 control point that's inside the attached object in phase 0:

And the next control point outside the object in phase 1:

The Obi collider is in phase 0:

The opposite end of the rope is connected to another object in a symmetrical fashion.

Does that seem like it's set up properly with regard to preventing collision issues?

Messages In This Thread
RE: Debugging the difference between editor and build behavior - by protomenace - 02-09-2020, 11:04 PM