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Can I set a max length?
(23-07-2020, 09:54 PM)DanVioletStorm Wrote: I have an item that is bouncing around, tethered by an Obi rope to a location.  The rope works, but it appears to have no limit to its length. I could find no setting that manipulate the length settings. The bouncing items keeps applying force in random directions. The tethering is supposed to limit its impact radius.  do the cables have a stretch limiter, I.e. can I set it to 0?  Thanks.

Hi there,

As in all realtime physics engines, you can't directly impose a hard limit on a constraint system (not with some conditions/limitations).

Most physics engines will explode/become unstable/jitter when the simulation timestep is too large, dealing with large mass ratios, or if the amount of constraints in the system is high. Obi is unconditionally stable, so any convergence error shows up as spurious elasticity, instead of jittering. You can greatly improve the simulation quality by using more substeps, as explained in the manual. You can find the substeps setting in the ObiFixedUpdater component. This page goes into great detail explaining how the engine works internally, and the impact substeps/iterations have on quality:

Messages In This Thread
Can I set a max length? - by DanVioletStorm - 23-07-2020, 09:54 PM
RE: Can I set a max length? - by josemendez - 27-07-2020, 08:07 AM