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Help  Confused about practical use of substepping Unity Physics
I just got done debugging an awful bug related to sub-stepping Unity physics. 

According to, substepping Unity physics is necessary when using more than 1 substep and performing accurate collisions with Rigidbodies.

I have a game where the player controls a quadcopter drone. To simulate the propellers of my drone, I apply an upward force in FixedUpdate. I have the drone calibrated such that the force applied in FixedUpdate is equal to the mass of the drone, such that under normal circumstances, the drone perfectly hovers in place.

I've been messing around with ObiRope, and got it working somewhat well, but I found that whenever I had an Obi rope in the scene, my drone was no longer capable of hovering in place. I thought maybe the mass of an attached rope was pulling the drone down. So I started decoupling the rope and the drone. I got to a point where the two were in completely separate GameObject hierarchies, nowhere near each other in the scene, and still the presence of the rope in the scene was causing my drone to be incapable of hovering.

Then I started playing around with the ObiFixedUpdater I was using for my rope and I found that if I disabled "Substep Unity Physics" on the updater, my drone was magically able to hover again! I dug into the source code for ObiFixedUpdater and found that it directly calls So I began to realize the issue with my drone. My drone was falling because Physics was being simulated, including gravity forces, but my FixedUpdate was not being called during this extra Physics.simulate.

I searched these forums and found this post: where it is suggested to use the ObiUpdater.OnBeginStep callback instead of FixedUpdate to apply forces. So this leaves me confused again and with more questions:

  • Doesn't calling Physics.Simulate in addition to the normal unity physics update loop essentially cause Unity's physics simulation to proceed faster than realtime?
  • Am I supposed to disable Physics.autoSimulation to use substepping with a FixedUpdater?
  • Wouldn't I effectively get the same result from reducing Unity's physics timestep rather than doing the complicated process of substepping Unity physics and then replacing all of my FixedUpdate calls with OnBeginStep callbacks? (Or am I supposed to have FixedUpdate in addition to OnBeginStep?)
Physics substepping seems barely mentioned in passing in, and it leaves all of these questions unaswered in my mind.

Messages In This Thread
Confused about practical use of substepping Unity Physics - by protomenace - 22-06-2020, 05:31 AM