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Linux Build not working. ONI DLL not found
Quote:Hello, I also have this problem (When I build linux build on Windows and it has performance in two-three times less than Windows). 
Have you tried to build in il2cpp mode? 

I wasn't able to, Il2CPP generates a lot of errors in our project, if that's the only solution I'll look further into it.

Quote:And do you have this issue: ?

Thanks! this solved the DLL missing exception message and everything is now working in the linux editor too. Performances are still the same though.

Quote:How do you resolve problem with Oni dll in Linux Editor?

The link you just provided solved the Dll missing error for me


There's a slight difference in performance between both libraries, mainly because the windows one is compiled using llvm/clang while the linux one uses MingGW.

This alone does not justify such large performance drops as the one originally reported (2 ms - 117 ms) so the only cause I can think of is death spiraling. In the OP's profiler pics, it is clearly visible that FixedUpdate is being called 6 times per frame. That alone will cause performance to be 6 times slower, as physics should only be updated once per frame under normal circumstances. Increasing Unity's fixed timestep or decreasing the max fixed timestep would enable the simulation to recover and perform normally.

It was recorded with deep profiling enabled so this might be the reason for the death spiraling, thanks for the input!.

With real-world tests, on our production machine we get 40-50 fps (same particle count and parameters as before, debian).

But on windows with a slightly faster machine we get 350+ fps (on the same machine but ubuntu around 300).

So it might just be that the production machine is just slow enough to reach the death spiraling threshold... but seems weird that it "stops" at 50, I would expect worse results. (setting the max fixed timestepdid not help in the production test)

Let me know if you have any suggestions!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Linux Build not working. ONI DLL not found - by Emmaa - 13-05-2020, 10:51 AM