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Sample Scenes Crazy Low FPS
(05-08-2019, 08:49 AM)MasterGeneralB Wrote: I just got the fluid asset and am trying it out on version 2019.1.2f1 and almost every sample scene is dropping its frame rate to the single digits. This INCLUDES the 2D multiphase fluid buoyancy. I would expect the 2D stuff to not be as bad, in fact that was the reason I got the fluid pack.

That said, this cant be normal can it? All of the 3D sample scenes give me seriously low frame rates to the point that on some unity hangs for wayy too long. Am I just using too new a version of unity? What is going on?

Don't know if it helps but I get this lovely list of errors/warnings on import (2018.3.5f1 was the version I copy pasta'd the log... and was also-surprise-super laggy with single digit frames on the sample scenes)


Unity cannot hot-load native plugins, that's the reason for the DllNotFound error. Just restart Unity, as described in the FAQ/first page of the manual:

(05-08-2019, 08:49 AM)MasterGeneralB Wrote: I've had issues with the first asset I got from you guys, the obi-ropes acting all limp all the time like wet noodles and apparently there was no fix for that.. and as much as it was disappointing I sucked it up. But this time... no... if I'm stuck with another expensive and useless plugin then I'm out for good.

Ropes are supposed to be easily bendable. They're ropes after all, not metal bars. You can however allow them to reach higher bending stiffness by using more constraint iterations, or using more substeps, like you can in any iterative solver. The three ropes to the left side of the screen in the "RopeShowcase"sample scene show different degrees of bending stiffness.

If you want even more rigid ropes, try using rods instead (included with ObiRope):

Unlike ropes, they do support a full material frame with controllable bend/stretch/torsion.

Quote:I don't like spending money on something I can't use. >_>

You don't have to. Simply ask for a full refund, writing to support(at) including your Invoice Number.

Now, a note on your general notion of our plugins: similar technology is sold for hundreds in the industry, so generally it is not regarded a expensive system for what it is. It is also very performance intensive, as thoroughly warned in the asset description, and is not suitable for beginners at all as it assumes you're comfortable with realtime physics 101: what iterations and timestep are and how they affect the result, what death spiraling (or whatever you call it) is and how to fix it, what's the difference between force and impulse, etc. There's a place and a time to use lagrangian fluid simulation, and if you do not know this before purchasing (or are willing to spend a lot of time figuring it out), chances are you'll be angry and frustrated due to unrealistic expectations. No need to bash the product, just ask for a refund and we'll gladly accept the request.

Messages In This Thread
Sample Scenes Crazy Low FPS - by MasterGeneralB - 05-08-2019, 08:49 AM
RE: Sample Scenes Crazy Low FPS - by josemendez - 05-08-2019, 09:30 AM
RE: Sample Scenes Crazy Low FPS - by josemendez - 06-08-2019, 08:24 AM