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Help  I want to know what is special features with your guys model
Hello, I bet Obi fluid is wonderful asset I ever seen. But, I need some technical support for this issue.
I designed model from blender, and tried to import in unity and try to use it with Obi fluid.
But, for some reason even in 1000 particles game simulator stating to crash. I tried some different ways of model like making it smaller than before, or make visual mesh and collider wire individual.....But, all those ways are failed. Only except one way, which is re-model the bucket model you guys made.

And, finally It worked! It really drives me crazy. I really want to know what sort of difference are making crash or not in Obi fluid.
Plz, can you tell me why?

I will attach some models I made with blender by .blend & .fbx.

This question is not only with object models. Because, I'm trying to make some lab game. And, if environment model also need some 'special thing' with model. I need to solve that problem too.

I will eagerly waiting for answer.
Thank you for read this post.

P.S This is link for Youtube video, what's happening right now for my project. I hope this can help you with solution.

Messages In This Thread
I want to know what is special features with your guys model - by taker - 23-05-2019, 03:02 PM