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Obi fluid + Quest 2 | Rendering in editor but not when making a build
(11-05-2021, 08:42 AM)alpaib Wrote: Well, actually I think I can look for the solution for the pink materials because, as you said, it is not something about Obi Fluid. But, the error that doesn't let me make the build is actually one of your asset, called ScreenSpaceCurvatureFlow.shader, so I deleted it and I am able to make the build and see the fluid, but the color is black.


That shader is a core part of fluid rendering, if you delete it rendering will stop working.

Did you try my suggestion on the other thread? copying it here for convenience:

Quote:Edit: can you try changing the declaration in Assets/Obi/Resources/ObiMaterials/ScreenSpaceCurvatureFlow.shader line 44 from

sampler2D_float _MainTex;




Messages In This Thread
RE: Obi fluid + Quest 2 | Rendering in editor but not when making a build - by josemendez - 11-05-2021, 08:44 AM