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Super slow fluid when enabling colliders

When I have a fluid simulation and enable/disable an ObiCollider it's incredibly slow for a few frames (the game can be stuck 3 seconds in the editor. Less bad on device but still bad). I nailed it to the fact that every change in collider structure requires some sort of mega flush to Oni. It does the same when creating ObiRigidbodies at runtime, destroying ObiColliders at run-time etc

It makes the game unusable in pretty random instances, is there anything we can do?

We are using Oni backend, Unity 2019.4.22f1, Obi Fluid 6.0.1. Tested on both Mac (editor) and iOS (on both SE and SE 2020, iPhone 11), same result every time.

Please help thanks!

Messages In This Thread
Super slow fluid when enabling colliders - by sdpgames - 30-03-2021, 09:30 AM