03-11-2020, 09:28 PM
(03-11-2020, 09:42 AM)josemendez Wrote: Hi there!
Pooled particles are spaced apart using
So you can take the rope's rest length, and add rope.ropeBlueprint.interParticleDistance * rope.ropeBlueprint.pooledParticles to it. That should be a pretty reliable estimation of the rest length once all pooled particles are used.
Actually it looks like rope.ropeBlueprint.restLength returns the value I would expect. When using the formula above the result would change based on how many times the cursor was called beforehand (in my current case that wouldn't have mattered, but figured I'd test it anyways).
Is there any foreseeable issue with me using rope.ropeBlueprint.restLength as a max length value? If so I could adjust the formula above to account for in-use particles.
Thank you for the help!